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UPCO's Explorations in Earth Science: The Physical Setting - Teachers Manual

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Retail Price $54.95

ISBN #: 978-0-937323-14-4

Osum - Vorwald - Wegner

Teacher's Manual - containing answer keys and lesson plans.

Explorations in Earth Science contains a collection of 68 laboratory investigations that can be incorporated into an Earth science course that covers geology, weather, climate, astronomy, and environmental issues. The variety of the exercises contained in the manual provides instructors with the flexibility to use those that suit their individual preferences and which they view as essential for their students. Included is a Prologue that contains activities that address the skills and concepts that are integrated throughout an Earth science course.

The investigations are aligned with the New York State Math, Science, and Technology Standards and the National Science Education Standards. Appendices in the manual correlate labs to the New York State Physical Setting/Earth Science Core Curriculum and several well-known textbooks. Also included are appendices containing the Earth Science Reference Tables required by the New York State Physical Setting Core Curriculum, and supplementary charts teachers will find useful in delivering their courses. Incorporated into the Teacher's Edition is an appendix suggesting Internet sites appropriate for each chapter.

Each laboratory investigation contains clearly stated instructions, report sheets, and questions that reflect both the procedural techniques and results students should obtain. Many labs can be adapted to an inquiry/problem-solving approach in which the written activity would often serve the teacher as a guide, but might not be used by students.

The Teacher's Edition contains an array of suggested long-term investigations, an equipment and supplies list and a comprehensive guide preceding each activity. This section is of great use to veteran teachers and is most valuable to teachers new to teaching Earth science.

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UPCO's Explorations in Earth Science: The Physical Setting - Teachers Manual
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